Viewing Comments on All of Your Portfolios

To read comments about all of your portfolios, access the Portfolios tool and follow these steps:

  1. If the Portfolios home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
  2. In the Portfolios menu at the top of the page, click the Comments from others button. Sakai displays the Comments Written About My Portfolios screen. Information on each comment fills two rows.
    • The top row indicates the name of the portfolio and the template used to create it (if any), the title of the comment and the date and time it was submitted, and the name of the author who left the comment. The last column indicates whether the comment is displayed to everyone (Public), only to you and the author of the comment (Shared), or only to you (Private; you will see this comment and the Private notation only if you have left a comment on your own portolio).
    • The second row contains the text of the comment.
  3. If desired, sort the list by any of the headings. To do so, simply click the heading you want to sort by. The first time you click a heading, Sakai sorts the list in ascending order. If you click the heading again, Sakai sorts the list in descending order.
  4. To return to the Portfolios home page, click the Reset button.