User Membership: Granting tool access to other users

Note: These instructions requires Administrator privileges.

Grant tool access

Once the tool is added to a site, access must be granted to every user other than Administrator that will be using the User Membership tool. To grant tool access, log in as Administrator and follow these instructions:

  1. Enter the 'Realms' tool and search for the site having the User Membership tool. You may need to use the 'Sites' tool to find the corresponding site id.
  2. Click the site realm to edit (should look similar to /site/xxxxx).
  3. Scroll down and click on the appropriate role to edit it (typically, this should be the 'maintain' role). This should match the user role on the site.
  4. Check the 'usermembership.view' function and click 'Save' to persist changes.
  5. You should now be able to use the tool.