Reading messages in the Email Archive

Email messages sent through the Email Archive address are sent to the authorized email addresses of all site members, but you can also read previous email messages in your site's Email Archive tool:

  1. From the menubar, click Email Archive.

  2. To navigate through pages of messages, use the arrows above the Date Received column header. Click > to go to the next page, and < to go to the previous page. Click |< to go to the first page of messages, and >| to go to the last pages of messages.

    You can also search the archive using the Search box and button.

  3. When you locate the message you want to read, click its highlighted subject line to read it. The Next Email and Previous Email buttons allow you to move from message to message. Click View Headers to see the full headers, and Hide Headers to hide them.

  4. While viewing a message, you can remove it from the archive (if you have sufficient permissions) by clicking Delete. On the following confirmation screen, click Remove to complete the deletion, or Cancel to return to the message without deleting it.